Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Final Thoughts.

I think back on the 11 days, I was in Texas. I remember how I got off the plane of June 4th and felt the humidity and the first words out of my mouth in Texas was: "Oh my gosh, it's hot!" seeing my best friend for the first time in a year and a half and hugging her like I haven't seen her since she moved to Texas,the day I left for Austin and my best friend hugged me and almost through me on the ground like she'll never see me again, walking in to my best friends house and my aunts house and seeing a house that I have never imagined seeing before, the reason why I was there, for my best friends graduation, sitting in a 2.5 hour long graduation ceremony. Watching my best friend graduate and thinking of all of our memories of when we were kids. I remember staying up all night to go to Project Grad (an all night graduation party for the Cinco Ranch graduates) and letting my best friend be with her friends that she won't see for a while because they all were going to different colleges and I played in the arcade of Dave and Busters. I remember the stress of her graduating, personal problems, and her parents in the process of moving. I remember looking at a sign saying, "Welcome to Austin" and "Austin City Limit" and sighing a big sigh of relief and thinking, "I love Breanna and I love her family, but that was just to dang stressful." I walked into Candice's house and knew that my mind shouldn't of been racing anymore and it slowly stopped racing. Watching tv, playing video games, watching moves, going to see UP in 3D at the Alamo, going to the mall, experiencing gorcery shopping at a Super WalMart, going to church, going to a wedding, and getting to know Auntie Candice and Uncle Charlie more. Dispite the stress in Katy I had an awesome time. In Austin I had an awesome time. Even though it was hot and humid, I'd be willing to go back. Thank you all for following me on my blog. I will be using this same blog, to blog my summer. Thank you again.


Heading Home!

Heading home. I had an awesome trip. I was ready to go home though. Back home, where my bed is, where my family is, where my youth council is, wheere my venture crew is, where my life is. I thank my best friend Breanna and my Aunt Candice and Uncle Charlie for opening up there homes to me. I had an awesome time. I am willing to go back, to the humidity and the allergie state. To see my friends and to see more of this state called Texas.

I Back into Sacramento.

Hello everyone,
I am sorry that I haven't updated this blog. When I got to Austin, I was so exhausted and wanting to just spend time with a lady who is like an aunt to me, that I sort of forgot to update it. And take pictures for that matter. I have pictures of me traveling home and that's it. Sorry. Like I said, when I got to Austin I just needed to hang out. watch some tv, and play some video games. But I am doing another blog about my summer. So stay tuned for that.


Monday, June 8, 2009

A Little Note for Everyone.

Hello Everyone,
For the next few days I will not have internet access. I will have internet access again when I get to Austin. I thought I should let you all know.

Thank you,

Day Four-Five: Project Grad.

I am not good at bowling, I don't know why I even try.

Day Four: Breezy's Graduation Cake.


Day Four: Graduation Lunch. (Part 2)

My best friend's brother-in-law LeRoy.